Turkish Stream, Lukoil and customs are investigating – 2024-04-04 01:55:35

by times news cr

2024-04-04 01:55:35

The work of the parliament continued for 15 hours, and during that time three temporary committees were created.

Through them, the deputies will investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the Turkish Stream project, Lukoil and customs corruption.

Those for “Turkish Stream” and “Lukoil” were left without chairpersons, therefore at each convened meeting the speaker of the parliament will choose who will lead them. The head of the customs commission will be Toshko Yordanov from “There is such a people”

“This is the height of populism. Today there is an arrest of customs officials. On this day we are trying to create a commission. This is complete idiocy, but since no one is above the law and there is no commission and transparency to oppose, we will let’s support it. Everything else is disgusting populism with no meaning. We watch this show of yours, and we don’t want the parliament to turn into one either,” Kiril Petkov addressed from the rostrum to ITN, who are the proponents of the proposal.

Petkov’s only demand was to change the name of the commission, which was not accepted by the deputies.

At the moment it is: Creation of a temporary commission to investigate the corrupt practices in the “Customs” Agency and the possible role of Asen Vasilev in them.

Petkov’s request was for the name to end up with the “Customs” Agency, without the name of Asen Vasilev being involved.

“For you to talk to me about populism is humiliating. Bulgarian is difficult for you, so let me explain to you that chalga in Turkish means music, so please treat me with respect. And this commission is to find out if Asen Vassilev is for prison or not,” Stanislav Balabanov from “There is such a people” answered Petkov.

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