TV3 sows controversy by ironizing the Virgen del Rocío by simulating the Andalusian accent

by time news

The Catalan comedians Jair Domínguez and Toni Soler have fueled the controversy on social networks by making fun of the Virgen del Rocío on the Catalan regional television program Està Passant. The controversial program dates back to April 4, when both they ironized about the virginrepresented by an actress who simulated a forced Andalusian accent.

In addition to trying to imitate the Andalusian accent using a intelligible intonationthe comedians also joked about thorny aspects, such as the sexual life of the virgin.

A fact that, in addition to causing numerous reactions on Twitter, has already provoked the first responses from well-known political personalities. The spokeswoman for Adelante Andalucía Teresa Rodríguez has complained that humor is made “with so much malice, ignorance and Andalusian phobia.” “Imitate the accent of your motherfucker, for being soft“, Andalusian politics has snapped.

On social networks, numerous users have complained that a program financed with public money “exceeds all limits”: “The mockery of an accent, culture and constant tradition of and selling ourselves as rednecks is something that you would have to overcome and that denotes your lack of creativity“, a young man snapped, while another user complained that “when humor is made to denigrate people, it stops being humor and becomes stigmatization.”

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