Twitter shares fall against the backdrop of the Russian authorities’ decision »



Twitter shares fell on the New York Stock Exchange by about 4% against the backdrop of the Russian authorities’ decision to impose restrictions on the site’s operation in Russia due to its non-compliance with the country’s laws..

Trading data on the stock exchange indicated that Twitter shares declined 3.98% at close, and the value of one share decreased from $67.56 on Tuesday evening to $64.83 on Wednesday evening..

The Russian Federal Authority for Supervision in the field of communication, transportation and information technology, “Roscom Nadzor”, had announced a slowdown in the speed of Twitter’s work in Russia and warned it of the possibility of blocking it completely, if it did not implement the demands of the Russian authorities to delete content that violates the law..

It is noteworthy that, as of last February 1, the law entered into force in Russia that requires social media sites to detect and block content that violates Russian laws. Among these prohibited materials are calls for terrorism and materials that promote extremism, violence, and dangerous social phenomena such as suicide and hatred on an ethnic, national, or religious basis, among others..

Source: “TASS

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