Two climate activists from Munich have to be in custody for a month

by time news

Activists of the “Last Generation” block a street in Munich. (Recorded November 21)
Image: dpa

Instead of the requested five days, two climate activists of the “last generation” have to be in custody for a month. A Munich judge ordered this because of “persistent repetition of blockages.

Nfter renewed climate protests by the group “Last Generation”, a judge in Munich ordered two activists to be held in custody for a month beyond Christmas and New Year. The judge went beyond the requested five-day detention period and ordered the two to be held by the judiciary for a month until January 5 without a trial, the Munich police said on Wednesday.

The reason for the long detention is that a “persistent repetition” of blockade actions was found in both cases. The one-month detention without trial is possible under the Bavarian Police Tasks Act, in other federal states there is no such severe sanction. A month-long detention was ordered for several Last Generation activists back in November.

The activists now affected were involved in a blockade action in the Munich motorway area this Tuesday. For two other blockers, a judge ordered custody for five days. Since Monday, there have been various blockades of the last generation both in downtown Munich and on freeways in the city area, each of which has caused significant traffic obstructions.

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