Two men survive plane crash in Santa Ana

by time news

2023-07-13 22:32:24

The victims were identified as Víctor Daniel Méndez and José Ricardo Arias Rivas, who belong to the Advanced Air Training Center (CAAA) school; They were transferred to a hospital in the capital, with the support of the Salvadoran Air Force.

Photo: PNC.

The Future, Santa Ana. Two men survived a plane crash that occurred this morning, Thursday, July 13, in the Ayutica canton, of El Porvenir, in Santa Ana, official sources reported.

The victims were identified as Víctor Daniel Méndez and José Ricardo Arias Rivas, who belong to the Advanced Air Training Center (CAAA) school; They were transferred to a hospital in the capital, with the support of the Salvadoran Air Force.

A commission of the aforementioned state entity went to search for the victims, after being informed of the plane mishap, the cause of which was not specified.

Méndez and Arias Rivas were traveling in the Cherokee aircraft registration YS289P, and fell to the ground when they were flying over the Ayutica canton, landing on lot number 6 of the La Reforma hacienda.

#men #survive #plane #crash #Santa #Ana

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