Two people per second affected by the Omigron Corona tsunami … France in fear

by time news

Over the past week, the number of victims of omega-3 corona has been increasing worldwide. Omegron, which is highly widespread, has peaked in the United States, France and Denmark. In seven days, more than 65 lakh people have been affected by corona in an unprecedented manner.

Corona exposure began to increase again before the spread of omega in European countries. After the omega-3 proliferation, the situation worsened. In France last Wednesday alone, 2.08 lakh people were diagnosed with omega.

French Health Minister Oliver Vernon has said the Carona virus is spreading like a tsunami in France. He added, “We have never seen corona damage spread at lightning speed.

The head spins when you see this. In the first week of January, France’s daily corona exposure is at risk of increasing to 2.50 lakh. During the Christmas and New Year holidays, the general public wandering around without any restraint is the main reason for the increase in the incidence of the virus.

The current situation in French hospitals is appalling. The delta corona causes the worst impact here. This causes serious harm to many. We expect the omega-3 impact to increase in the coming years.

Read this too | Vaccinated people are less susceptible to omega-3s: Soumya Swaminathan

We must take the necessary steps to deal with it. France is currently experiencing a Corona tsunami. Now we have two enemies, the omega and the delta. Together these two form a very large corona wave.

The virus now infects 2 people every second in France. Steps are being taken to prevent this. “

The French government has announced new restrictions on the spread of the virus. However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Prime Minister Jean Costex.


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