Two Pôle emploi unions trigger a “right to alert” on security

by time news

The CFDT, the first union of the public operator, has not been associated with this right to alert, which it considers “preventive». Philippe LOPEZ / AFP

The latter was triggered at the national level by FO and the SNU-FSU for “serious and imminent danger” concerning the safety of officers.

Two Pôle emploi unions, the SNU-FSU and FO, have triggered a right of alert at the national level for “danger grave et imminent“Regarding the safety of agents, management taking note on Friday while not noting an increase”sudden» Incidents.

«The management of Pôle emploi has not taken the measure of the danger which weighs permanently on the agents, in particular since the murder, in January 2021, of an employee in Valence“, write in a press release the SNU Pôle emploi and FO, respectively second and third unions of the public operator. Among “the causes of danger» identified for agents in contact with users, they list the «lack of assessment of the impacts of the unemployment insurance reform on job seekers“, the “distancing of users“, the “reception design and organization» or even the «charge excessive des agents».

The CFDT, the first union of the public operator, has not been associated with this right to alert, which it considers “preventive“said his representative Catherine Laumont, adding not”deny the rise in tension in reception and the risk of tension to come with regard to the reduction in the duration of compensation” unemployment.

“the safety of agents and users is a priority”

For its part, the management of Pôle emploi pointed out to AFP that after the tragedy in Valence (Drôme), it “encouraged all agents to make reporting statements for each incident (incivility, verbal aggression, etc.) and remains very attentive to their developments». «However, we do not note a sudden increase and Pôle emploi specificity but a societal context with more and more incivilities and aggressions, in particular in the public services“, continues Pôle emploi.

The operator adds to take note of the right to alert, provided for by article L.2312-60 of the Labor Code, ensuring that it will, “in accordance with legal procedures, carry out an investigation“with the people who triggered the alert”even if we do not share the vision of these trade union organizations“. He points out that “the safety of agents and users is a priority“and ensures that measures are put in place”as part of a global strategy».

Pôle emploi cites in particular “the protection of sites with the reinforcement of security equipment, the generalization of video protection in branches and the development of alert tools“, for the agents to report “urgent situations», or the «employee training in de-escalation and tension management».

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