Two suspects captured in the murder of Ecuador’s anti-corruption prosecutor – – 2024-02-14 21:04:50

by times news cr

2024-02-14 21:04:50

The Ecuadorian Police today arrested two people allegedly involved in the shooting of anti-corruption prosecutor César Suárez, which occurred on Wednesday in the north of the coastal city of Guayaquil (southwest), reported the general commander of the institution, César Zapata.

“We have arrested 2 suspects involved in the murder of prosecutor César Suárez, in #GYE, after investigative proceedings that allowed us to identify the alleged participation in the criminal act,” the police chief published on his account on the social network X.

He added that among the seized evidence are a rifle, two pistols, feeders and two vehicles, as well as clothing with police insignia.

The capture of the suspects occurred several hours after the murder of the prosecutor was confirmed, who was shot to death during an armed attack when he was on his way to a hearing.

The attack occurred on Avenida del Bombero, in the north of Guayaquil, where hitmen intercepted the vehicle in which the prosecutor was traveling and fired several shots through the window, which hit the judicial official’s head.

The murdered prosecutor belonged to the National Unit Specialized in Investigations against Transnational Organized Crime of Guayas and was in charge of important cases of hospital corruption during the COVID-19 pandemic, and organized crime.

In addition, he was processing a case for “terrorism” related to the armed attack perpetrated on January 9 by hooded men on the TC Televisión channel during a live broadcast, which left 13 detained.

The murder of the prosecutor occurred in the midst of the state of emergency and the declaration of internal armed conflict, in force in the country since January 8 and 9, respectively, in the context of a wave of acts of violence attributed to organized crime groups. linked to drug trafficking.

The Ecuadorian government and the State Attorney General’s Office rejected the murder of the official and stressed that this crime will not go unpunished, in addition to acting more firmly against criminal gangs.

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