two-thirds of French people approve of the requisition of strikers, according to a poll

by time news
Several TotalEnergies and Esso-ExxonMobil refineries are still shut down on Thursday. DENIS CHARLET / AFP

SURVEY – The majority of French people support the possibility of using the police to unblock fuel depots, according to an Odoxa-Backbone Consulting poll for Le Figaro.

Tension is rising around strikes in refineries. A situation which is however neitherwar related” is “the fact of the government“, insists the President of the Republic this Monday, blowing that it is not up to the executive”to do everything“. But the next day, faced with the risk of a blockage of the country, the tone goes up a notch. This Tuesday, Elisabeth Borne announces a first requisition of essential personnel, to unblock the fuel depots. A decision acclaimed by two thirds of the French, according to an Odoxa-Backbone Consulting survey for Le Figarowhile the blockages are increasing and the CGT is calling for an interprofessional strike day on October 18, in which three other trade union organizations will participate, the CFE-CGC, the CFDT and the CAT, raising fears of the risk of contagion to several sectors.

65% of those questioned approve of the requisition of striking employees. Respondents believe that this movement blocks other activities and could cause disturbances to public order. Only 33% disapprove of the method, judging that it is an infringement of the right to strike, not justified by the situation. The sympathizers of all political movements validate these requisitions, with the exception of the Insoumis, who oppose them at 52%. Membership is very strong among Renaissance supporters (85%), but also among Republicans (78%) and Socialists (75%).

A bad image of the government

Many French people also bear the brunt of these blockages in refineries: 70% have encountered one or more difficulties related to this situation. 56% had difficulty finding fuel, 53% had to give up certain journeys for fear of running out, and 38% were forced to change their transport habits. A disorder which affects the image of the various protagonists of this strike, specify Céline Bracq, general manager of Odoxa, and Gaël Sliman, president of the institute. “The strikers, the CGT, the government and especially the companies concerned all collect a large majority of negative judgments as to their attitude in this social conflict“, they point out.

Véronique Reille Soult, CEO of Backbone Consulting, reveals from an analysis of the resonance on social networks, that the government suffers from a double reproach: for its “lying», asserting that there would be «no shortagesand for his inaction. It underlines the feeling of injustice caused by this conflict among some Internet users. “Thus, in reaction to the tweet of the Insoumis deputy Antoine Léaument rejoicing that “the panic of the bourgeoisie is total”, a nurse replies to him: “so I earn 2000€ per month to be a night nurse, I am not complaining, I just want enough gas to go to work and employees earning more than 4000€ per month take me hostage… they are defended by deputies earning 7000€ per month and I am the bourgeois!”“. Several Insoumis deputies have indeed gone to the picket lines, to show their solidarity. MP LFI Mathilde Panot emphasizes “a struggle of general interest».

SEE ALSO – Fuel crisis: long live the requisition?

The French support the use of force

This blocking movement, however, divides society. Only 49% believe that this strike is legitimate. 50% believe on the contrary that the strike is unfounded, 24% even consider that the demands for a salary increase are not at all justified. “We don’t need that“, deplores the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire this Thursday, after a meeting with the professional federations, relating in particular to the consequences of this shortage of fuel for companies. He criticizes strikes which come on top of “structural difficulties on gas and electricity prices“. The Minister therefore calls for “blockages are lifted as soon as possible».

Among the solutions envisaged to put an end to it, the requisitions in progress, but also the use of the police. This possible use of force for is also supported by 55% of French people, with again more pronounced support among supporters of the presidential party (78%) and Republicans (72%).

However, a majority defends the demands of the strikers who want a 10% increase in their wages, taking into account the profits made by their employer. For 54% of respondents, this request is legitimate, Total having made very significant profits in recent months. 43% think, however, that this revaluation is not justified, because refinery employees are already better paid than the average French person and that most of Total’s profits are made abroad.

(This survey was carried out on a sample of 1,004 French people questioned by internet on October 12 and 13, 2022, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.)

SEE ALSO – Shortage of fuel: the impressive queue at the petrol station at Porte d’Ivry

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