Ukraine vs. Russia: Bombing a nuclear station

by time news
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Almost half a year into the war in Ukraine and Russia and Ukraine have exchanged accusations over the bombing of the nuclear power plant in the city of Zaporizhia in the southeast of the country.

The commander of the defense of the nuclear plants in Ukraine said earlier today (Monday) that Russia is attacking the power plant in the southeastern city and that the plant is under great threat.

Later, the commander of the defense told the BBC network that as of this moment the site remains safe. At the same time, he added that the threat to the plant is great.

He also claimed that the Russian forces use the plant as a shield against the Ukrainian forces and place missile launchers in the plant because he knows that Ukraine will not attack a nuclear plant.

It should be noted that since Russia conquered the city, the nuclear power plant is in Russia’s hands and Ukraine claims that it was Russia that attacked the nuclear plant.

Ukraine’s ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency claimed earlier today that Russia is trying to bomb the plant even though it is in occupied territory with the aim of stopping the electricity supply from the power plant.

According to estimates, there are currently 500 Russian soldiers inside the nuclear plant.

Alongside this, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed today that the first shipment of grain that was supposed to go to Lebanon as part of the agreement with Russia – was stuck.

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According to the agreement, all Ukrainian goods will go to Turkey where they will be inspected by a Russian-Ukrainian-Turkish team and from there the shipment will continue to the destination country.

In Ukraine they claimed that the ship with the first shipment is still stuck in a Turkish port, this despite the fact that the goods were checked and their delivery to the destination country – Lebanon, was confirmed.

The Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon later explained that the reason for the delay of the ship in Turkey is due, among other things, to the fact that the Lebanese buyer regretted it at the last minute and now the embassy is trying to find a new buyer.

If they fail to find a buyer, the Ukrainian embassy added – Ukraine will transfer the goods to another country.

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