Ukrainian Brigades Plan Strategic Maneuver in Southern Ukraine

by time news

Title: Ukrainian Brigades Employ Strategic Maneuvers in Southern Ukraine Offensive

Subtitle: 46th and 82nd Air-Assault Brigades take alternative route to flank Novoprokopivka

Date: [Insert Date]

By [Author Name]

Ukrainian brigades, following their successful liberation of Robotyne, have shifted their focus to the next target in the southern Ukraine offensive: Novoprokopivka. However, rather than directly assaulting Russian positions in Novoprokopivka, it appears that the lead brigades, the 46th Air Mobile and 82nd Air Assault Brigades, are pivoting towards the town of Verbove in order to flank their intended target.

This strategic maneuver makes sense, as the Ukrainians have employed similar tactics successfully in previous engagements since the start of their counteroffensive in early June. The battle for Robotyne, which lasted one month, was a significant turning point for the Ukrainian forces. By methodically advancing through Russian minefields and trenches, Ukrainian brigades were able to weaken the Russian 58th Combined Arms Army and other formations, resulting in a one-to-one ratio in heavy equipment losses.

Such parity in losses is unprecedented, as attacking armies traditionally require three times the number of troops compared to the defending army for any chance of success. Moreover, they can expect to suffer three times the number of casualties, even in victory. However, Ukraine’s growing advantage in front-line artillery, including Western-made howitzers and rocket-launchers with cluster shells and guided munitions, has allowed them to neutralize Russian offensive capabilities effectively.

Following the fall of Robotyne, Ukrainian forces quickly set their sights on Novoprokopivka. The town is visible from the high ground in Robotyne, positioning it as a crucial target for the advancing troops. Instead of moving south directly towards Novoprokopivka, the Ukrainian air-assault forces have adopted a flanking strategy, turning east towards Verbove.

The 46th and 82nd Brigades are currently probing Russian trenches around Verbove and steadily gaining ground. The Russian garrison in Verbove, consisting of a motor-rifle regiment, a special forces brigade, and three reserve battalions, is considerably smaller than the seven-regiment garrison in Novoprokopivka. The Russians now face a dilemma: whether to shift forces to Verbove to counter the Ukrainian assault or to assign elements of the elite 76th Guard Air Assault Division, being urgently deployed from eastern Ukraine, to reinforce Verbove.

However, the reinforcements would have to come at the expense of other strongpoints along the southern front line. If the Russians choose to fortify Verbove, it could create an opportunity for the Ukrainian brigades in and around Robotyne to directly assault Novoprokopivka from the north.

The exact nature of the Ukrainian forces’ actions in Verbove remains unclear. It may serve as the primary effort in the Melitopol offensive, or it could be a diversion to support the real main effort farther to the west. The outcome ultimately depends on the Russian forces’ response.

This situation places Russian troops in a difficult position, forced to choose between two unfavorable options presented by the Ukrainians’ clever deployments. The ongoing offensive in southern Ukraine continues to unfold, with both sides strategizing and adapting to gain an advantage in the ever-changing battlefield.

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