ultimatum and White House reaction – 2024-04-26 06:40:57

by times news cr

2024-04-26 06:40:57

The president of Columbia University in New York issued an ultimatum to student protesters who set up a tent camp on campus. Thus, Minush Shafik insisted on dismantling the camp, warning of possible consequences.

Shafik sent a letter to pro-Palestinian students and faculty expressing her view that the right to peacefully demonstrate is important, but discrimination and harassment are contrary to the values ​​of the university. The ultimatum expired on Tuesday but was extended until 8 a.m. on Wednesday local time.

Many teachers expressed disagreement with Shafik’s point of view, indignant that she invited the police on Thursday, who detained about a hundred protesters.

Jewish students, especially Israeli citizens, have found it difficult to get support in recent days as the controversy over Israel has engulfed the streets of Brooklyn and university campuses across the country.

The situation continues to escalate, with calls now emerging for ethnic cleansing, physical attacks on Jewish students and theft of their property, in open endorsement of terror.

At universities, the protests have escalated into camps where students and teachers of various nationalities, including Jews and Muslims, gather for events, prayers and musical performances.

Street protests in Brooklyn on Tuesday escalated into clashes with police, leading to arrests for disorderly conduct. Against this backdrop, ten Republican congressmen signed a letter demanding the immediate dismissal of the president of Columbia University due to ineffective measures.

The White House recently for the first time officially commented on the situation on American university campuses, emphasizing that peaceful protests are acceptable, but calls for violence and threats against Jewish students are unacceptable and constitute anti-Semitism. They condemned such statements as abhorrent and emphasized that they do not occur anywhere in the United States.

We previously wrote that an Israeli business school professor was subjected to anti-Semitic attacks at Columbia University.

Cursor also reported that the mayor of New York was outraged by anti-Semitism at Columbia University.

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