UN vote on PA status – US made a statement – 2024-05-13 18:21:24

by times news cr

2024-05-13 18:21:24

The United States explained the decision to vote against the General Assembly resolution aimed at increasing the authority of the Palestinian mission to the UN by the fact that recognition of the PA as a full member of the organization will not lead to sustainable peace in the region.

The Times of Israel writes about this.

The statement notes that US President Joe Biden believes that the conflict can only be resolved through the creation of two states with guaranteed Israeli security and equal security measures for Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. The United States believes that unilateral measures at the UN and on the ground do not contribute to achieving this goal.

The US mission also indicated that the Palestinian Authority does not currently meet the criteria for UN membership under the organization’s Charter. Passing the resolution will not change this reality.

In addition, it is noted that even if the resolution is adopted, the PA observer mission will still not receive voting rights in the General Assembly and will not be able to nominate candidates to UN bodies or be elected as a member of the Security Council.

The US also emphasizes that the adoption of the resolution will not lead to tangible changes for the Palestinian Arabs and will not stop the fighting in the Gaza Strip. Washington will continue to work toward a ceasefire and the release of hostages, and to increase aid to Palestinian Arabs in need.

Earlier, Cursor wrote that Erdan sharply criticized the UN for raising the status of the Palestinian Authority.

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