UNACH will train IEPC officials

by time news

2023-04-21 04:12:36

. The Rector Carlos Faustino Natarén Nandayapa and the President of the IEPC, Oswaldo Chacón Rojas, signed the agreement.

. Training will be done according to national standards.

The rector of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Carlos Faustino Natarén Nandayapa, and the President of the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation, Oswaldo Chacón Rojas, signed a specific collaboration agreement on training and certification by competencies.

The purpose of said agreement is to establish the bases of support and collaboration so that UNACH, through the Center for Studies for Municipal Development and Public Policies (CEDES), imparts training, evaluation and certification courses in three competency standards to officials of the IEPC, in order to improve their efficiency in the activities that they will develop before the imminent start of the Local Electoral Process 2024.

In the event that took place in the Hall of Rectors of the Bookstore of the “José Emilio Pacheco” Economic Culture Fund, the rector Carlos Faustino Natarén Nandayapa expressed that this type of action contributes to achieving a substantive democracy that is not only based on the majorities, but rather it is built from diverse bases to transform reality.

He affirmed that the daily effort is reflected in the final achievements, but the importance of having citizens who make an effort every day to make Chiapas a better possible state is really relevant.

In this regard, the President of the IEPC, Oswaldo Chacón Rojas, commented that this institute has made efforts to guarantee the principles of impartiality and independence of the executive structure of this organization, which organizes and sanctions the elections, for which the principle of this agreement is extremely valuable.

He specified that these competencies will improve the performance of officials and personnel recognized by them, being the first in the country to seek a goal like this, taking steps forward trying to innovate and achieve standards that guarantee these principles.

Within this framework, the Electoral Counselor, Teresa de Jesús Alfonso Medina, considered that given the fact that the IEPC also develops training actions in electoral matters, it was necessary to begin this process that contributes to generating its own standards of competence in electoral matters.

Finally, the person in charge of the General Coordination of Inter-institutional Relations of the UNACH, Silvia Concepción Ramírez Peña, announced that this agreement is carried out within the framework of the General Agreement of Institutional Collaboration, signed in April 2015.

“The purpose of which is to implement, jointly, programs for the dissemination and promotion of democratic political culture in the Higher Education Units of UNACH, with the purpose of fostering, rooting, and disseminating, among university students and the society in general, the exercise of civic-democratic values ​​and the importance of citizen participation, as well as the professionalization and strengthening of the IEPC staff”, he stressed.

It also specified that CEDES will be responsible for providing, in the first instance, the training, evaluation, and certification of electoral officials from April 17 to 21, with the teaching of human capital training courses in a group manner.

Through training aligned to competency standards, continuous training and certification are promoted as the ultimate goal of the process, which also allows national recognition for those who are part of the activity.

In this way, both the course and the processes give them tools that allow them to carry out their work within the organization with abilities, skills and behaviors that require a high level of performance according to the National Competence System.

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