understand import rules and fees

by time news

2023-09-25 09:20:00

Is it worth buying electronics from China with the requirement for Anatel approval and also with the government’s Compliant Shipping? Well, let’s go in parts. The Federal Government launched the Remessa Compliance program, an initiative that changes the rules on tax collection for purchases of international products offered by foreign companies to consumers in Brazil.

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AliExpress and Shein have already joined the program. In principle, the program “exempts” purchases of up to 50 dollars made via the internet, regardless of whether the sender is an individual or legal entity, only ICMS will be charged at a single rate of 17%, throughout the country.

How much will I have to pay in tax? Is there an exemption?

In other words, any and all imported purchases you make on Shain or AliExpress will be taxed at least 17%.

The government argues that this will speed up the delivery of products, as it will free the Federal Revenue Service from customs inspection work, since the products are already taxed at origin. However, by 2024 it is possible that this “exemption” will end, as the government itself seems to change its mind very quickly.

What if the purchase is over US$50?

Purchases over US$50, however, are where the biggest headache comes in, as each and every product will be taxed at 60%, plus the 17% ICMS rate, which practically doubles the final value of the product. .

Therefore, the feasibility of importing products from China or other countries through these platforms will largely depend on the type of product, the price charged in the national market, and the calculations that everyone will need to make based on the value of the product multiplied by the amount of taxes.

Let’s look at an example:

Purchase of: U$100.00Tx import (60%) = U$60.00ICMS 17% = U$160 / (1-0.17 i.e. 0.83) = U$ 192,77

But, in addition, it is necessary to be aware of the requirement for approval by ANATEL of electronic products on the agency’s list. Mainly for those who are going to sell products, for example, on Shopee. When creating the ad, it must contain the attributes: “approval number”, “model name”, “manufacturer” for the products below:

Cables and chargers for cell phonesCell phones and tabletsBatteries and Power BanksTVs, box TVs and antennasHeadphones, headphones and headsetsSmartwatchCamerasComputers, components and accessoriesDronesAudio and speakers for the homeGame consolesVehicle navigation and audio accessoriesBaby monitorsWebcam

For the complete list, it is worth consulting the ANATEL website. The risk of buying or selling products without approval is that they may be intercepted by inspections and seized, and then destroyed, as this is an illegal practice.

If you are a seller who imports from China to resell on Shopee, for example, you will have to register this data when placing the product for sale on the market, and of course, the factory must also have registered the product in Brazil. Marketplaces have adopted policies to ensure that the products offered are duly approved.

#understand #import #rules #fees

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