Understanding and Managing Different Types of Coughs: Causes and Remedies

by time news

2024-02-09 18:44:24

Foto: Unsplash

Such an irritating tickly cough or a cough that persists and involves a lot of mucus. So many different types of cough under the sun and perhaps just as many causes. We will highlight a few of them for you and give you tips on what you can do about them.

Because no one wants to walk around with a cough or even a strong barking cough.

All kinds of coughs

There are people who suffer from a cold – and often a cough – every week. There are also those people who clear their throat loudly several times a day, which for many people is like nails on a chalkboard. But what types of cough are there? A distinction is made into four categories:

  • Temporary cough (think of a tickle in your throat, which also goes away quite quickly)
  • Light host (cake)
  • Severe cough (whooping cough)
  • Chronic cough, for example due to asthma

If you cough up mucus, it is colorless. At least, if you’re healthy. According to Health Square, green or yellow mucus can indicate an infection or inflammation.

On Thuisarts we read that coughing, even if it happens a lot for a short period of time, is not harmful in itself. It will go away on its own within two to three weeks. Does that not happen, and are you coughing for more than three weeks, are you coughing up blood, do you have a fever and do you hear a wheezing sound when breathing? Then call a doctor.

This is why

Coughing is usually caused by a virus, such as a cold, but that is by no means the only cause. Smoking or vaping can also cause a cough, not only if you smoke yourself, but also if people around you smoke. Clearing your throat too often can also irritate your throat, as can very cold or warm air, air conditioning, exhaust fumes, chemicals or if you have swallowed something.

If you are allergic to something, such as pet hair or pollen, you may also cough. Cough is also present in pneumonia, COPD and asthma.

You can do this against coughing

Coughing often goes away on its own, but it is understandable that you want relief. No matter how often cough syrup and sweets products promote those products, they don’t help. It does not dissolve mucus or soothe coughs. What does help?

  • Clean air, at home and at work
  • Drink cold water (or warm water, if mucus is stuck) regularly. If you have a tickly cough, go for tea with honey
  • Stay away from cigarette smoke and don’t smoke yourself
  • If you also have a cold, a nasal spray can help. You can then breathe better through your nose and your mucous membranes remain moister

Please note: this is not medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you are concerned about, for example, a persistent cough.

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