Understanding Children’s Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

by time news

2023-07-31 10:29:56
Title: Study Reveals Depression and Mood Swings Common Among Children

Date: 7/31/2023

Last Update: 7/31/2023 11:32 AM (Mecca time)

Recent studies have confirmed that it is normal for children to experience emotional and mood swings that may be indicative of depression. Negative feelings that develop over time can lead to difficulties in social activities, interests, school work, or family life.

The American “Cleveland Clinic” Medical Center has addressed this issue in a study on its website, alerting parents to the fact that depression can affect children as young as 3 years old. Although the rates of depression in children may not be comparable to those among adolescents and adults, depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health disorders in children.

According to the study, approximately 7% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 in the United States suffer from anxiety, while about 3% experience symptoms of depression.

Mental health specialist Manal Mahmoud highlights that depression has become a prevalent issue among children of all ages. Even infants as young as one to two years old show symptoms of depression, which can result from unmet needs or disruptions to their daily routines that reduce their sense of security.

However, Mahmoud refrains from labeling children under three years old as having depression. Instead, she describes it as a severe disorder in their mood that may rob them of happiness. She emphasizes that although mood swings between joy and sadness are natural in children, depression indicates a significant and painful event in their lives, such as the loss of a loved one, moving to a new country, or changing schools without proper psychological preparation.

Mahmoud calls on parents to be more attentive to their children’s feelings and needs, adopting a “preparation approach” for major decisions or changes in the family. This approach ensures that children feel included in the decision-making process.

For infants experiencing mood swings, Mahmoud stresses the importance of spending quality time playing with them, focusing on their development and emotional communication. She advises against excessive reliance on phones, television screens, and distracting games. Some infants resort to self-harm, such as deliberate crying or using their games, as a way to draw parental attention to their volatile moods.

Symptoms of depression in children include isolation from the social environment, reluctance to engage in physical activities, and continuous unexplained crying. Some children also experience sporadic body pain, vomiting, and exaggerated cases of diarrhea or constipation, even when all medical results show normalcy.

Mahmoud urges parents to respond promptly to these changes, engage in open communication with their children, and avoid blaming or disregarding their feelings. Understanding the child’s personality and identifying any emergency circumstances are crucial for effective support.

Various therapeutic methods, such as behavior modification systems, skill discovery, and art therapy, have proven successful in helping children overcome depression. In severe cases, a supportive family environment and focused attention from parents can positively impact a child’s mental health and mood without relying on medication.

Depression and mood swings among children are serious issues that require awareness, understanding, and proactive measures from parents and caregivers. By prioritizing emotional well-being and providing proper support, children can navigate these challenges and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.]
#age #child #immune #depression #prominent #symptoms #Mirror

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