Understanding Fever: Causes, Measurement, and Home Remedies for Children

by time news

2023-11-23 01:00:00
Title: Understanding Fever and When to Seek Medical Help for Children

Fever is a common occurrence in children, and understanding how it occurs and when to seek medical help is crucial for parents. When pathogens invade the body, the immune system is activated, sending a command to increase body temperature in an effort to defend against the “uninvited guests.” Fever is defined by a body temperature above 38 ° Celsius, ideally measured rectally.

When dealing with a child’s fever, careful observation is key. It is important to be able to quickly recognize changes in their condition and take them seriously. In addition to rest and attention, offering sufficient fluids, and considering home remedies such as calf wraps can help reduce fever. However, it is important to weigh home remedies against the child’s specific condition, and when necessary, use medications like paracetamol, ibuprofen, or metamizole.

One potential concern for parents is febrile seizures, which are occasional seizures resulting from fever-related stimuli overload in the immature brain. It is important to remain calm and seek medical attention in the event of a febrile seizure. Additionally, knowing when to seek medical help for a child’s fever is essential. While banal infections are often the cause of fever, in certain cases, medical advice is urgently required.

Medical help should be sought if the child is younger than 12 months and has a high fever, if the general condition is severely impaired, if there is a loss of consciousness, apathy, or seizures, or if the child has a very high fever and it can hardly be reduced. Other notable situations include persistent refusal to drink, persistent vomiting and watery diarrhea, or a stiff neck. Additionally, severe headache symptoms, skin rashes that cannot be pushed away, noticeably rapid breathing or shortness of breath, severe abdominal pain, or unexplainable pain should be cause for concern.

In conclusion, it is important to trust parental instincts when dealing with a child’s fever and to seek medical attention when necessary. While banal infections are often the cause of fever, parents should remain vigilant and seek help in cases where a child’s general well-being is significantly impacted by the fever.]
#Natural #defense #reaction #child #fever

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