Unexpected Health Benefits of Nuts: Lowering Bad Cholesterol and Boosting Heart Health

by time news

2023-06-04 09:40:58

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Professor of Cardiology and Arterial Catheterization, Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, revealed unexpected health benefits of nuts.

Al-Nimr said, through his Twitter account, that a handful of unsalted mixed nuts (30 grams) per day lowers harmful cholesterol (LDL) by 0.26 mmol / liter, and benefits heart health without specifying a specific type of nuts.

He added in his remarks that, without specifying a “specific” type of nuts, it is recommended to have a small amount, for example, filling the palm of one’s hand daily, and not to overdo it.

#Good #heart #lowers #cholesterol. #Tiger #recommends #eating #nuts #reveals #unexpected #benefits

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