Uni chooses Jordi Sargatal as Antoja’s assistant on the bench

by time news

2023-06-19 16:21:54

L’spar girona aspires to have, next season, a luxury bench. At the moment Uni has already confirmed Laura Craving, until now technical assistant, as the first coach replacing Bernard Canute. The other big move they are looking for from Uni is to complete this bet with a second experienced and recognized coach. And the name is already chosen: Jordi Sargatal (Girona, 1981), the man who last year, yesterday was one year old, promoted Básquet Girona from the LEB Or to the ACB and who this year has been working at the club of Marc Gasol the methodology of base teams from under-18 to mini. Sargatal has had the proposal on the table for weeks and is looking forward to making this leap.

The coach from Girona worked as an assistant in the two years of the team at LEB Or, with Carles Marco, but in the autumn of 2021, when the former base was dismissed due to poor results, he was promoted to first coach. Sargatal, who has been part of Marc Gasol’s club since the pivot founded it in 2014, ended up promoting the team to the ACB, but they did not renew his confidence and he chose to bet for Aito Garcia Reneses as a coach for the debut in the elite. Linked to basketball since forever, and especially since he finished his studies at INEFC a Lleida, Jordi Sargatal is a classic of Girona basketball. He had been in Primera Catalana as a player in Salt, in Onyar and Vidreres. His origins come from La Salle, and as a coach, before taking over Girona in the LEB Or, he had basically managed grassroots teams. He lived through the collapse of l’Akasvayu and of Sant Josep, he was a physical trainer, an assistant, and experienced the Mini Cup with the children of the old CB Girona in the last season ofedu torres. Del Sant Josep was assistant and physical trainer of Borja Comenge in LEB Bronze, and also coordinated the link they had in Cassà. The bet on Jordi Sargatal is seen by the Uni as safe, because of the experience he has, and also with the value of being a coach from Girona with room for growth.

As the president explained last week, Cayetano Perez, Spar Girona has practically completed the squad for next season. Basically the future of Gardnerwho despite having a contract would like to redefine it, and of course Maria Araújo accepts the renewal proposal presented to him for two seasons (remember that he is recovering from a serious injury to his right knee with damage to the anterior cruciate ligament and the internal meniscus, which will keep him inactive until the beginning of next year ). At the same time, the staff that will work alongside Laura Antoja must be set up. This is where the figure of Jordi Sargatal will take center stage.

At the moment Uni has renewed Tolo, Labuckiene i Parraand has signed Laura Pena, Regan MagarityMarta Canella, Sandra Ygueravide and Morgan Bertsch. They continue Welcome, Drammeh i Mendy, that she will rejoin the team after her maternity leave and that she has already returned to training.

#Uni #chooses #Jordi #Sargatal #Antojas #assistant #bench

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