unions and oppositions continue to castigate the reform

by time news
Philippe Martinez, boss of the CGT. Le Figaro

The change in method announced by the executive does not convince the social partners and the opposition elected officials, ready to engage in a showdown.

The method changes, minus the background. Emmanuel Macron invited twenty figures of the majority on Wednesday evening to establish an action plan to implement the pension reform. The President of the Republic, on this occasion, ruled out the possibility of passing this reform by means of an amendment to the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) which will be examined in the autumn. But the government is not giving up on its project and its deadline: implementation of the reform from the summer of 2023.

The reform should thus be the subject of an ad hoc text, examined before the end of winter. “If the government is not able to hear and take into account, it is a dialogue of the deaf, estimates Philippe Martinez, boss of the CGT, this Thursday morning at the microphone of France 2. The background has not changed.“The new secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO), Frédéric Souillot, had also expressed his doubts about the government’s reform projects on Wednesday: “we will fight over pensions“, he said, believing that “all of the French trade union organizations are against raising the retirement age or extending the contribution period.»

On the side of the oppositions too, the tracks sketched out during the Elysian dinner arouse mistrust. “We must mobilize massively!“thus tweeted the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône Manuel Bompard, referring to the”walk against the dear lifewanted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on October 16. “Retirement is not an accounting lever, but a societal choice“, for his part estimated the European deputy Jordan Bardella, on France Inter.

If Emmanuel Macron has paved the way for “consultationswith the social partners concerning the upcoming reform project, he does not rule out entering into a standoff. In the event of censorship in the Assembly on this inflammable text, the Head of State raised the specter of a dissolution of the lower house, as reported by the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. The president of the RN group in the assembly, and former presidential candidate Marine Le Pen replied in a succinct tweet: “chick!».

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