unions warn government against ‘hidden’ measure

by time news

At the end of the presentation of the roadmap of the Ministry of Labour, they indicated that the minister had not advanced on the hypothesis of a measure during the budgetary debates.

The unions unanimously warned the government on Monday against any measure on pensions which would be slipped during the budget debates this fall, stressing that this would provoke their mobilization and their withdrawal from the social consultations wanted by the executive.

The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, and the Minister Delegate for Vocational Training, Carole Grandjean, brought together the social partners on Monday to present their “roadmapof the quinquennium on the various subjects of their field.

Questioned at the exit, the unions indicated that Olivier Dussopt had not advanced on the hypothesis of a measure during the budgetary debates, referring to the publication of the report of the Pensions Orientation Council (COR).

According to this report, which AFP obtained a copy of shortly after and of which the social partners were unaware at the time of the meeting, the pension system generated a surplus of 900 million euros in 2021, for the first time. since the 2008 crisis, but its lasting return to equilibrium is still projected.mid 2030sin the best of scenarios. The Minister will bring the social partners together again on September 19 to discuss the diagnosis of the COR.

«These exchanges will successively make it possible to share a diagnosis of the pension system and to formulate proposals to make it fairer, more equitable and more sustainable.“, according to the press kit released at the end of the meeting. It will also be a question of discussing employment of seniors, arduousness, etc… “The COR report should be the alpha and omegaof the government, deduced Jean-François Foucard (CFE-CGC).

“It would block all the other construction sites”

But if the government decided, following this report, to introduce an age measure into the Social Security financing bill “hidden” like a “acceleration of the Touraine reform», «this would be dangerous and would lead to strong mobilization, demonstrations and strikes“warned Michel Beaugas (FO)

The Touraine reform of 2014 gradually increases the contribution period to reach 43 years for people born in 1973 or later. “This would block all other construction sites», Underlined Cyril Chabanier (CFTC). “There are many subjects on which the CFDT is ready to commit, such as support for RSA beneficiaries or long-term job seekers, but serenity will not be in order if the autumn is disrupted by a brutal measure“Warned Laurent Berger (CFDT).

On the management side, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux (Medef) recognized “fundamental differenceswith the unions. But if the Medef defends a pension reform, its priority this fall is the realization of the reform of unemployment insurance. For the CPME, François Asselin estimated that “the country needed” of a reform and that there was “never a good time».

SEE ALSO – Will the pension reform take place? “It will be politically explosive”, for Dinah Cohen

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