Until Wednesday (22), NucLi/ILL will receive registrations for Language courses (on-site, hybrid and remote). Takes care!

by time news

The Nucleus of Languages ​​(NucLi) of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (UNILAB), complementary body to the Institute of Languages ​​and Literatures (ILL), opens registrations, until Wednesday (22)offering 305 places for language and culture courses: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Libras – Brazilian Sign Language, African Languages ​​and Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA), as per the Notice No. 04/2023.

This event aims to select members of the internal and external community to participate in language courses (of an academic or communicative nature) and culture, carried out in the format: face-to-face, hybrid and remote.

According to the coordination of NucLi, the face-to-face courses will only be held at the Palmares Academic Unit, in Acarape, Ceará. At remote modestudents from Bahia can participate according to the target audience of the course.

The courses are open to the external community and the internal community, especially for students who wish to start and/or improve their knowledge, skills and linguistic skills in the languages ​​offered. Check out:


Applications for registration will be made exclusively via the Internet, via Electronic Form until Wednesday (22).

The information provided in the application form and its correct completion are the responsibility of the candidate, with NucLi/ILL/Unilab having the right to exclude from the process those who do not complete the application completely, correctly and/or provide data that can be proven untrue.

Read carefully the Notice No. 04/2023!

The list containing the deferred applications of the candidates as well as the waiting list will be published on the ILL page and on the NucLI-ILL website.


In order for the candidate to have his registration deferred formalized in enrollment, he must confirm his interest in the March 23 and 24, 2023. Enrollment confirmation must be sent to NucLi’s e-mail: (nucleodelinguas.ill@unilab.edu.br), informing full name and selected course.

As informed in the announcement (Edital nº 04/2023), an email will be sent later informing the place/room where the courses will be held.

Selected participants who do not show up to confirm their registration will have their registration canceled and will leave their vacancies open, which can be filled by candidates on the waiting list.

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