Unusual protests in China against President Xi Jinping before the party congress China covid: rare protest against President Xi before party congress

by time news

Beijing: A few weeks ago, reports circulated that the military had seized power in China and that President Xi Jinping had been placed under house arrest. The Chinese government and political observers dismissed it as baseless speculation.

Now, China has witnessed extraordinary protests against the strict covid restrictions in the country and against Xi Jinping. It is also worth noting that the protest is right before the historic Chinese Communist Party Congress.

The protest took place in Heidian, a district in the northwest of Beijing. Hundreds of people came out holding the party flag and chanting slogans against Xi. Pictures and videos of this have been released. Reuters reported that the protestors are raising demands such as ousting Xi and holding elections. The BBC report also says that the police beat up the protesters.

The Chinese Communist Party Congress will begin on Sunday. It is certain that Shi will get a third term as party leader at the convention. Meanwhile, an extraordinary protest is taking place. The protesters took to the streets holding banners that read, “Get rid of Xi Jinping, the dictator who is looting the country.”

There is also criticism of the strict restrictions implemented in the country in the name of Covid. “What is needed is food, not covid tests; Banners such as “We need the right to live freely, not lockdowns” can also be seen in the pictures. Following the protests, security has been tightened in the Chinese city.

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