Updates released: iOS 17.4.1 and more available | News

by time news

2024-03-21 17:16:35
Thu, 6:16 p.m. · Software · fenActually, updates serve to improve things and eliminate errors. However, the experience of finding problems after an update that did not exist before should not be new to anyone. That’s exactly what seems to have happened in the case of iOS 17.4, which is why Apple spread traces of a follow-up update immediately after its release – iOS 17.4.1 was noticeable in access statistics that same week. Since iOS 17.4 goes down in the product history of iOS 17 as a fairly extensive update, it is hardly surprising that some areas need to be improved again. The new interfaces as part of the European Digital Market Act made it necessary to touch numerous important components.

What’s new in the update
A bug that has been denounced by numerous users since iOS 17.4 concerns the air pressure – more precisely, the iPhone’s hardware barometer. This no longer provides reliable data and instead often transmits complete nonsense. Since all connected apps rely on Apple’s sensor data, all corresponding applications have suddenly become temporarily useless. It has not yet been confirmed, but iOS 17.4.1 supposedly fixes exactly this error.

Download and install
As soon as all update servers were aware of the new version, the update appeared in the system settings under “General”. This can sometimes happen with a delay of up to 30 minutes, which is why some users only see their update after a short delay. However, as soon as you see the notification about new software, it is enough to let the corresponding system routine do its work without any further action.

visionOS 1.1.1
The operating system of the Apple Vision Pro is also receiving an update, but nothing is known about the details. The standard description is simply that you get important bug fixes and security improvements.

iOS 16.7.7 and tvOS 17.4.1
Users who have not yet switched to iOS 17 can download iOS 16.7.7 – an update that, according to the description, is only concerned with improved security. Apple hasn’t forgotten the Apple TV, tvOS 17.4.1 is also available.



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