Urzì: «Tribute is needed for the victims of South Tyrolean terrorism. There is no dedicated place yet” – Bolzano

by times news cr

2024-05-13 11:22:16

BOLZANO. «In the province of Bolzano there is not yet a place specifically dedicated to those who were affected anti-Italian attacks, hit by splinters from anti-personnel mines or by volleys of small arms fire. This is the story that must be stitched together with the one that led to autonomy: these victims were innocent but at the same time useless because the path indicated by the Italian Republic led to democracy already towards reconciliation”. The deputy stated this in a note Alessandro Urzìregional coordinator of Fratelli D’Italia.

«The wind of change – he states – must also be seized in Alto Adige to be able to reconcile with the past, which on the day that commemorates the victims of terrorism at a national level means recognizing the sacrifice of those who paid for ideological radicalism with their lives and the secessionist temptations that manifested themselves on the border with Brenner and beyond 500 attacks and beyond 20 killed.”

«Today those victims do not deserve oblivion but the right moral recognition because they can be considered the solid bricks on which coexistence is based today. But they must be recognized by all parties, their martyrdom was for the Italian Republic but autonomy today must be deferential and grateful to them, above all to them.”

He concludes with the expectation, addressed to all local institutions, of a clear word on the subject, “not only from those who have always done it like us at Fratelli d’Italia”. «It is an obligatory step in which we believe because we believe in the profound wind of change that is accompanying the new course in Alto Adige».

2024-05-13 11:22:16

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