US intelligence agencies will use an analogue of ChatGPT to collect data – Kommersant

by time news

2023-09-27 05:28:25

US intelligence agencies will receive their own tool for collecting and analyzing data from open sources, similar to the chatbot with artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The agency reported this Bloomberg citing CIA sources.

According to the agency, the service will be prepared soon, but the exact timing is unknown. All 18 departments that are part of the American intelligence structure, including the CIA and the FBI, will be able to use it.

According to Bloomberg’s source, the new tool will allow one to identify the primary source of information and then analyze it much faster than before. This will, in particular, allow us to move to automatic data summarization.

Bloomberg notes that the development of an analogue of ChatGPT is part of the government campaign to introduce artificial intelligence technologies to compete with China. China can become a world leader in this field by 2030.

Lusina Balasyan

#intelligence #agencies #analogue #ChatGPT #collect #data #Kommersant

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