US President Joe Biden Confirms | Dynamics

by time news

Washington: “People should not panic about the new Covid type of omega. Those who have not been vaccinated should be vaccinated and wear a mask. Following this, there will be no need for another curfew, “said US President Joe Biden.

The govt virus continues to spread and spread. The Govt infection, which transformed into a delta type last April, caused severe lung damage. Increased mortality. Since then the disease has become omicran, which has seen various transformations in South Africa as the disease is thought to have come under control worldwide. The World Health Organization has warned that this could increase the risk of infection. So far no one was reported killed in the blast.

Praise to South Africa

US President Biden spoke at a news conference about the new virus: Congratulations to the South African scientists who immediately announced the new virus to the world. Such transparency should be encouraged. Thus increasing the ability to deal with new threats. That’s what we did. I immediately banned travel from African countries. Travel restrictions can reduce the speed of an omega. But still, it can’t be prevented.

Do not panic!

We will however have time to take additional action. People need to understand that they need to be vaccinated. Those who need a booster vaccine should put it on. This new type is not the type to panic except for the type that needs attention. We have the best vaccines in the world, the best drugs, the best scientists. Let’s fight this new genre scientifically. We also have vaccines for children from 5 years of age.

Booster vaccine

Every day we learn more and more about this new category. We will share the information we know with the American people honestly and promptly. People over the age of 18 should be vaccinated with a booster vaccine without waiting if they have received 2 vaccinations before June. Wear masks in public. It will protect you and those around you. Curfew will not be required if people are vaccinated and wear masks. Thus spoke Joe Biden.



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