US residents are frightened by the prospect of civil war – 2024-05-09 21:58:53

by times news cr

2024-05-09 21:58:53

The United States could face another civil war in the next five years, according to 41% of American voters.

As Day.Az reports with reference to TASS, this is evidenced by the results of a survey published by the research organization Rasmussen Reports.

At the same time, 16% of respondents consider such a scenario “very likely”, 49% believe that a civil war is unlikely to start in the next five years, 10% could not answer the researchers’ question.

Survey participants were also asked whose victory in the November presidential election – current US President Joe Biden or his predecessor Donald Trump – would most likely lead to civil war in the country. 37% responded that internal conflict in the country would most likely happen if Biden wins. 25% said the same about Trump.

The statistical error of the survey results is three percentage points. The study was conducted April 21-23. More than 1.1 thousand people took part in it and intend to vote in the US presidential elections this year.

The US presidential elections will take place on November 5th. Trump has already received the required number of delegate votes to become the Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States. Biden, who is running for a second term, has secured the support of a sufficient number of delegates from the Democratic Party. Thus, the fight will predictably unfold between the same candidates as four years ago, when Biden defeated Trump, who was seeking re-election.

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