“Vaccine-Caused Variants? How To Say Brake Accidents”

by time news

“‘Variants are caused by the vaccine'” anti Covid “is at the level of ‘accidents are caused by the brakes, I always feel braking before an accident'”. So the virologist Roberto Burioni, lecturer at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, returns with a tweet on the statements of the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini, yesterday at ‘L’Aria che tira’ on La7.

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“For the umpteenth time, since schools are reopening: to protect children, adults need to be vaccinated. Vaccines work and hinder contagion Let’s not waste precious time” in view of the resumption of the school year in attendance, then writes Burioni in a new tweet. The virologist is inspired by a graph posted by the American scientist Eric Topol, which compares the curves of Covid infections in adults and under 18s in the 10 most vaccinated and 10 least vaccinated American states.

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