Vaginal Fungus: How to Avoid Them | Health

by time news

2016-02-11 08:41:19

In order to avoid the proliferation of fungi in the intimate area, you must keep in mind that it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet to avoid alteration of the vaginal flora, as well as proper hygiene.

Throughout their lives, most women develop different disorders, diseases and ailments that can appear as a result of the hormonal changes that they go through throughout puberty and upon reaching menopause.

Knowing this, it is normal for many women to feel some concern, mainly in everything that has to do with intimate health, which always tends to be one of the most affected.

The most common and frequent female disorders are those infections caused by fungi. We are talking about a very annoying and often painful disease; it develops due to the action of Candida albicans.

The vagina, as well as the mouth and digestive tract, has a humid environment in which this type of yeast lives. It is estimated that between 20% and 50% of healthy women have them present in their bodies, and they are harmful only when something causes them to proliferate in large quantities.

What are the causes of fungal infections?

These fungal infections are triggered when there is excessive growth of yeast. This usually happens when there is some type of alteration of the flora. vaginal, it plays a fundamental role by acting as a protective barrier.

Vaginal flora imbalance can be caused by:

Excessive consumption of antibiotics.

Overweight and obesity.

Hormonal changes.


Sexually transmitted diseases.


Wearing tight-fitting underwear made of material such as nylon or lycra, which traps moisture and heat.

Excessive or poor vaginal hygiene.

Use of soaps or vaginal deodorants.

Tampons and pads. What are the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection?

Fungal infections can be easily detected by the appearance of several annoying symptoms that gradually increase. These include:

Thick, white, curd-like vaginal discharge.

Slight smell of bread or yeast.

Vaginal itching and burning.

Irritation and redness.

Pain when urinating or having sexual relations.

Tips to prevent vaginal yeast

Although vaginal yeast can be treated with medicines and some natural remedies, the best measure you can take is to adopt some habits to avoid its frequent appearance.

The following tips will help avoid alteration of the vaginal flora to prevent the growth of those yeasts and other microorganisms that cause infection.

Healthy diet A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients helps strengthen the immune system to achieve a more resistant body against the attack of fungi and bacteria.

In this specific case, the most recommended foods include:


Whole grains.



Lean fats.



Green leafy vegetables.


Good intimate hygiene
“Cleanliness in the intimate area” is decisive for the balance of the vaginal flora. If it is done in an exaggerated way or is deficient, it can generate a strong alteration that reduces the protective capacity.

It is very important to use all neutral soap without any type of deodorant addition.

You should be concerned and avoid excess humidity, since microorganisms proliferate more easily in those environments.

Avoid antibiotics By consuming conventional antibiotics excessively, you destroy good bacteria and alter the natural pH of the vagina and the body in general.

In the event that it is mandatory to consume them, it is good to pay attention to their side effects and also try to look for other alternatives such as those of plant origin.

Consume more probiotics

Probiotics are some microbial organisms that are present in the digestive tract and vagina. Their presence in various foods is a good way to provide them to the body when there is some type of imbalance in the natural flora.

Known as “healthy bacteria” they help stop the growth of harmful organisms such as fungi and bacteria.

These types of cultures can be ingested through some supplements or foods of natural origin such as yogurt and fermented dairy products.

Be careful with clothes

Clothing made from synthetic materials or that are too tight can create a warm, humid environment, ideal for bacteria growth. It is preferable to choose those made with cotton, preferably with some type of ventilation.

Source: Mejorconsalud

Modified: 19/12/2023 19:12

This information should never replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have any questions, consult with professionals.

#Vaginal #Fungus #Avoid #Health

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