Vebjørn Selbekk, Farm Celebrity | Affected 18 years after the death threats: – Should have gone to a psychologist

by time news

In Tuesday’s episode of “Farmen kjendis” the stay was short for one of the remaining “Torpet kjendis” participants at Li gård.

It was Vebjørn Selbekk (54) who had to withdraw due to a situation at home, which he tells the “Torpet” gang before he shares the news with the rest of the participants:

– I have a situation at home with illness in the family, which means that I have to go home, says Selbekk clearly affected to the gang in Tuesday’s episode of “Farmen kendis”.

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Selbekk was to fight for a place on the farm against the remaining “Torpet celebrity” participants Dora Thorhallsdottir (51) and Egil Skurdal (28) in Tuesday’s episode. But it didn’t turn out that way for Selbekk, who had been inside “Torpet” for three weeks ever since the first episode.

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– Very painful

During Selbekk’s “Torpet celebrity” stay, things did not go so well on the home front with his wife Catarina Selbekk (55). Vebjørn thus had the opportunity to talk to his wife before he went on to the “Farmen kjendis” farm.

In a recent interview with Nettavisen, both Vebjørn and Catarina share about the incident:

– It became very clear that Catarina was not feeling well and was struggling, says Vebjørn to Nettavisen.

The wife had an anxiety attack on the home front and a psychologist was called in straight away. Vebjørn also had a dialogue with Catarina from inside “Torpet”.

– Around week two, these anxiety attacks came back completely out of the blue, and it became very violent and very painful, says Catarina to Nettavisen.

Both Catarina and Vebjørn had talked about the TV participation beforehand, and both agreed that they thought it would go well this time. In 2022, Catarina had a similar incident when Vebjørn was on “Farmen kjendis”.

– I think it was embarrassing and painful, but in the end I couldn’t do anything more, says Catarina.

Life threatened

Vebjørn had to go through many rounds before he was able to come to a decision about the way forward in “Farmen kjendis”. Catarina was clear that there was no question of death threats or the like, as the couple experienced many years ago.

– My body was put back in 2006 when I did not get in touch with Vebjørn and there were death threats and a lot in the media, says Catarina.

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18 years ago, the couple experienced something that was to take a toll on the family. To most people, Vebjørn is known as the editor who reproduced the controversial Muhammad caricatures back in 2006. It became a media storm like no other and Vebjørn received daily death threats.

– We thought it would go well, but of course we should have gone to a psychologist at the time, says Vebjørn about the incident.

Catarina makes no secret of the fact that the incident in 2006 acted as a trigger for her anxiety attacks, without her really being aware of it at first. She has never suffered from anxiety attacks apart from the two times Vebjørn took part in “Farmen celebrity” and this year’s “Torpet celebrity”.

– I can’t get him to stop

It is important for the couple to emphasize that they do not trivialize anxiety and mental health, even though Catarina describes it as something she does not experience in her everyday life.

– For some, it can be disabling because you have a completely different history to what we have had, says Catarina.

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Catarina has not been diagnosed with anxiety, but has had some anxiety attacks. She and her husband are aware of what triggers her and have a close dialogue about this.

– I can’t get him to stop talking about certain topics or to say no to media inquiries, I’ve settled on that, says Catarina, for which Vebjørn is grateful.

Have no regrets

Despite a strong presence in Torpet celebrity, Vebjørn has not received any negative feedback after the TV appearance.

– I have not received a single negative feedback, confirms the 54-year-old.

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He is generally very satisfied with the stay and the participants, and has no regrets afterwards. Vebjørn feels privileged to have been allowed to experience both “The Farm” and “Torpet”, but that is not the most important thing for the TV profile.

– It’s a great bubble, but it’s still my wife and my children that matter the most, it’s clear that I’ll be with her, concludes Vebjørn.

Catarina emphasizes that she has not had any anxiety attacks since Vebjørn returned home.

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