Veterans Day: Peace Square – commemoration of fallen and heroes

by time news

2023-11-10 21:47:00

“When we stood here together last year, we all said to each other that we firmly believe that the the war conflict that has flared up in the east of us that it will soon end. Unfortunately, he didn’t finish. Conflicts were added to this conflict another, whether in the Sahel region or now, a month ago we saw the horrific terrorist attacks by the Hamas movement against civilians from Israel,” Jana Černochová (ODS), Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic and former mayor of Prague 2, recalled the current conflicts. On Náměstí Miru there were also black crosses with the names of those who died in the service of the Army of the Czech Republic.

“I’ve seen several wars and believe me, I’m fundamentally convinced of that war is nothing but immeasurable suffering and horror. It’s no adventure, it’s no heroism, it’s just endless suffering, and I think that it’s good that we remember those thingsthat we humbly reflect on it, that we remember those victims, because it then leads to better decisions about the future,” said Lieutenant General Karel Řehka, Chief of the General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic.

Awarding of honors

Active Reserve Service Medals were also awarded during Veterans Day celebrations. Lieutenant Jiří Pavlovský was also among those honored part of the active deposit for 20 years.

Veteran of WWII

A military man also took part in the celebration on Náměstí Míru, accompanied by his wife veteran general Miloslav Masopustwhich this fall celebrated his 99th birthday. Masopust became involved in World War II when he joined the Czechoslovak Army Corps in 1944. He took part in the fighting near Krosno on the Eastern Front, where he was wounded in the leg.

After healing with the artillery regiment participated in the liberation of Slovakia. He remained in the army even after the end of the war and today, despite his advanced age, he participates in events commemorating the historical events of World War II.

War veterans’ day at Náměstí Míru, 10/11/2023

Author: Anastazie Podhůrská

#Veterans #Day #Peace #Square #commemoration #fallen #heroes

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