Víctor Manuel, Joan Dausà, Ana Mena and the SCCC will perform at the Vallviva solidarity festival

by time news

Joan Dausà, Víctor Manuel, Ana Mena and the Cobla and String Symphony of Catalonia (SCCC) will be the headliners of the third edition of Vallviva, the solidarity festival of the Vall d’en Bas. The charity event, which last year raised 60,000 eurosis extended by one more day and will be held from July 12 to 15 at the Les Brides estatewith the aim of raising funds for a project with the Vall d’Hebron Campus.

The Vallviva will be launched on July 12 with the Cobla and Corda de Catalunya Symphonywhich will present the project on the main stage Anthems of the heartwith soloists Manu Guix, Beth, Joan Garrido and La Pau. Victor Manuel will headline the second day of the festival, on Thursday 13 July, with the 75th anniversary celebration tour, while the following day it will be the turn of Joan Dausà. the singer Ana Mena will focus on the program of July 15, to present his latest work, Bellodrama.

Ramon Mirabet, Roger Padrós, the Geriona choir, the pop rock band La Guardiathe Garrotxina singer Núria López and the saxophonist Pep Poblet will complete the line-up for this third edition.

In the first edition they were collected more than 20,000 euros for the children’s oncology plant at the Vall d’Hebron hospital and in the second edition, 60,000 for the Albert Bosch Foundation, the Juan Carlos Unzué ALS research project, the Oncolliga Girona Foundation and the Nzuri Daima Foundation, which this Tuesday evening received the solidarity checks in a event at the Girona Auditorium.

This year the foundation will start a collaboration project with the Vall d’Hebron Campusworld reference center in the field of health research and, especially, cancer.

The director of the festival and promoter of the initiative, Eudald Morera, points out that the objective of Vallviva is to “return to the territory what the territory gives us”.

As for the gastronomic offer, in the village there will be ten stalls offering their Km0 products and in the Premium area, the gastronomic offer will be diversified with a restaurant proposal with exclusive Michelin Star menus with suggestions from restaurants such as Les Cols, Nandu Jubany or Ca l’Enric.

Tickets go on sale on April 14.

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