Video: Zelenskyj: Help yourself by helping us

by time news

Zelenskyj: Help yourself by helping us

STORY: The war in Ukraine was also the focus of a meeting of Nordic and Baltic leaders with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in London. There you can see innocent people being bombed from the air, Johnson said. The whole world sympathizes with the people of Ukraine. But a third world war must be prevented at all costs: “No one wants to be involved in a direct military confrontation between the West and Russia. Of course, none of us want that, but we recognize that it is our duty to support the Ukrainian people in the hour of the… Not to support and in particular the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.” Selenskyi joined the meeting via video. Europe must protect its own security by helping Ukraine defend itself against Russia, he said: “So we are all targets of Russia and everything will be against Europe if Ukraine doesn’t fight back. That’s why we want you ask to help yourself by helping us. You know what kind of weapons we need. Everyone knows, you know what kind of defenses we need. You know what we need, the fighter jets, and would be without your support it very difficult.” Selenskyi initially renounced his country’s NATO membership. There is currently no open door for this. But his country needs reliable security guarantees, according to Zelenskyj.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has again called on Europe to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

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