Virginia Fonseca reveals nausea during her third pregnancy during an international flight | The Hospital Responds

by time news

2024-02-03 12:00:07

Influencer Virginia Fonseca took her first international trip with her husband Zé Felipe after announcing her third pregnancy. Upon arriving in Johannesburg, South Africa, the influencer told her followers that she suffered from sickness on the flight. She told her followers on one of her social networks: “When the plane was landing, the neck was here (pointing to her neck). I didn’t even have breakfast because it would be bad. I’m glad I didn’t, but now I have hunger”. Virginia also said that the doctor cleared her to go on the trip and that the nausea must be linked to the pregnancy. When does nausea start to appear? What could get worse? Can any food improve symptoms? In today’s “O Hospital Responde”, Juliana Fontes, gynecologist at Hospital Moriah, answers these questions and many others about this symptom.
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