Viswanathan Anand Mentors Gukesh to Become India’s Top Chess Player

by time news

2023-08-05 14:26:13
Gukesh Overtakes Viswanathan Anand in Chess Rankings

Last month, Viswanathan Anand faced off against Gukesh in a chess match, and he couldn’t help but notice a change in the young man sitting across from him. Anand, India’s first grandmaster, has been mentoring Gukesh through the Westbridge Anand Chess Academy as the teenager has risen through the ranks of young chess prodigies.

During their encounter at the Super United Rapid and Blitz Croatia chess match, Anand realized that Gukesh had a different focus and intensity. It was the first time Anand had played against Gukesh, and the young player’s cold and distant demeanor stood out to him.

The significance of their rapid game was not lost on anyone, especially after Gukesh, who was already ranked 15th in the world, emerged victorious. This win propelled Gukesh to overtake world No. 9 Anand in the rankings, making him the highest-ranked Indian player.

Gukesh expressed his admiration for Anand, stating that he has always been his role model and the reason why he started playing chess. While overtaking Anand in the rankings is a significant achievement, Gukesh acknowledges that Anand will always hold a special place in Indian chess history.

By the end of the FIDE World Cup in Baku, Gukesh will achieve two significant goals – breaking into the top 10 and qualifying for the Candidates Tournament. However, the moment he surpasses Anand in the rankings will undoubtedly be a major talking point for chess enthusiasts.

Gukesh recalls two distinct memories of Anand that have left a lasting impression on him. The first was when he was a young boy, and Anand visited his school for an appreciation function, allowing Gukesh to see the chess great up close. The second memory is from last year’s Chess Olympiad in Chennai, where Gukesh had a sensational performance, beating eight grandmasters but falling short of winning the gold for the Indian team.

Anand remembers reaching out to Gukesh after his heartbreaking loss at the Olympiad, understanding the emotions that come with such failures in critical games. Anand offered a listening ear and spent time chatting with Gukesh to help him refocus and prepare for his next game.

For Gukesh, the opportunity to talk to Anand and receive his support was incredible. He sees Anand as his hero and is grateful for his guidance and encouragement.

Gukesh’s rise in the chess world and his overtaking of Anand in the rankings symbolize the beginning of a new era for Indian chess. With an idol like Anand, Gukesh and other young Indian chess players have a strong foundation to build upon.

It remains to be seen how far Gukesh will go in his chess career, but one thing is clear: his admiration for Anand and the impact the grandmaster has had on Indian chess will always hold a special place in his heart.
#bond #teenage #prodigy #Gukesh #Indias #Viswanathan #Anand

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