Volodymyr Zelensky has arrived in Canada, which promises him “unfailing support”…

by time news

2023-09-22 08:07:08

08:07: Zelensky announces a “long-term agreement on the joint production of defense equipment” with the United States

In a video posted on social networks, the Ukrainian president debriefs his “very important” visit to the United States announcing the “new military aid package” as well as a “long-term agreement on the joint production of defense equipment “. “This historic step will create a new industrial base and jobs for our two nations,” he comments.

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“My day began at the Capitol with frank and in-depth discussions. The two houses and the two parties. I felt trust, which promotes unity. Members of Congress asked direct questions and received frank answers. Transparency is our top priority in our relations with the United States,” says Volodymyr Zelensky before thanking “President Joe Biden, both parties and both houses of the American Congress, as well as all the American people for their support unwavering. »

#Volodymyr #Zelensky #arrived #Canada #promises #unfailing #support..

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