Volunteers Unite to Support Farmers and Evacuees at Exhibition Gardens Market in Tel Aviv

by time news

Community Comes Together to Support Israeli Farmers and Evacuees

Tel Aviv, Israel – In a heartwarming display of unity and generosity, locals in Tel Aviv came together to support both Israeli farmers affected by recent conflict and evacuees in need. Moshe from Bnei Brak and Danny Suisa from ‘Achim to Kiss’ were among the volunteers at the ‘Shukoetaf’ set up in Hangar 1 at the Exhibition Gardens.

Initially, Moshe and Danny had come to the market to buy vegetables but saw the need for help and joined in without hesitation. “It’s a shame that we only manage to unite in situations like this,” said Moshe. This sentiment was echoed by Miri Klein, who came from Herzliya to do her shopping for Friday and praised the initiative, “These are exactly the initiatives that are needed now, and I wish there would be many more of them.”

The market, organized by actress Mia Dagan, aimed to support local farmers by purchasing their produce and selling it at affordable prices without a brokerage fee. The farmers, hit hard by the conflict and the shortage of manpower, were grateful for the support. Sharon Tamm, a farmer from Geva Carmel, emphasized the need to encourage local production and agriculture, saying, “The time has come to close the import from Turkey and encourage local production. Otherwise, Israeli agriculture will not survive this.”

In addition to supporting farmers, the market also served as a hub for volunteers and donors. Adjacent to the market, ‘Eran’s Friends’ collected and sorted donations for evacuees throughout the country. Eran was a friend who dedicated his life to helping others, and even after his passing in 2020, his friends continue his legacy. Lucille Barkerman, who manages the association’s sorting activities, explained, “Since 2020, he is no longer with us, but his friends continue the enterprise of helping and caring for families in need in his memory.”

The overwhelming success of the market on its first day ensured that it will continue to operate. Mia Dagan, the driving force behind the initiative, urged people not to stay passive but to get involved and make a difference. “You can’t just sit in front of the television and blame the government. Get up and do it,” she emphasized.

As the day came to a close, and every item was sold, the volunteers and organizers were already preparing for the next day. More trucks will arrive to restock the market, ensuring that locals can continue to support Israeli farmers and evacuees in need.

The events of the day highlighted the resilience and solidarity among Israeli society, showing that even in the midst of crises, communities can come together to make a difference.

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