Vox announces that it will register its motion of censure next Monday with Tamames as candidate

by time news

Vox will finally present its motion of censure this Monday with Ramón Tamames as candidate. The formation led by Santiago Abascal has announced in a Twitter message that next Monday it will register its second motion of censure against Pedro Sánchez. This Tuesday, the former militant of the Spanish Communist Party had confirmed that he would lead the motion that the far-right formation had proposed.

The party has informed, through a press release, that Abascal and Tamames have met this afternoon at the Vox headquarters to finish finalizing the decision channeled yesterday with the step forward of the veteran politician and economist. As the party recalls, once the motion is presented, it will have to be accepted by the Congress Table and from there, it will be the president of the Lower House, Meritxell Batet, who will decide when it goes to plenary.

The 80-year-old economist was a member of the Communist Party, was a councilor and first deputy mayor of the Madrid City Council during the mayoralty of Enrique Tierno Galván and later joined the Democratic and Social Center (CDS), according to the party’s note, released to through social networks.

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