Vox proposes a “radical lowering” of taxes without explaining how they will finance public services

by time news

2023-07-07 14:14:38

Vox already has an Economic Program for 23J. Its basic lines have been advanced and laid out this Friday by the party’s political spokesperson, Jorge Buxadé, and that of Congress, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, in a joint appearance at the Vox headquarters as a sign of unity between the two souls that coexist in the party, one more conservative and another more liberal. This last sector, represented by Espinosa de los Monteros, is losing strength as has been demonstrated with the exclusion in the 23J candidacies of deputies such as Víctor Sánchez del Real or Rubén Manso, who were at the beginning of Vox. Precisely, Manso is one of the economic ideologues who designed the previous economic model with which the party contested the 2019 elections.

The stories that Vox invents for its ideological crusade


“Our economy has been in an extremely difficult situation for decades, because it is in the hands of fanatics,” Buxadé stated as soon as he began his speech. The national spokesman has announced that Vox proposes in its program “the biggest tax reform in recent history” with proposals that “flee from the continuity of the rest of the political formations.” “It is not about lowering or raising a percentage point of one tax or another, it is about building a complete alternative to the policies of the parties that have shepherded Spain in recent decades”, he stated.

This ambitious tax reform, according to Buxadé, is based on two principles: the first, “that before redistributing wealth, wealth must be created by fighting the theory of degrowth, which permeates the entire 2030 agenda”; and, second, “that the only beneficiaries of the protective and wealth redistribution measures must be Spaniards and foreigners who reside and work legally in Spain, not political parties, unions or politicians.” The Vox spokesman has later charged against “the public and private beach bars that have grown in recent decades” noting that his party is committed to ending them all.

Vox proposes to eliminate VAT on basic necessities, that is, “a zero tax on the acquisition of basic necessities for families and for the acquisition of the habitual family home”; the “progressive elimination of other consumption taxes” and other “ideological taxes such as the so-called green taxes or taxes”. They are also committed to a “radical reduction in personal income tax for all Spaniards with the aim of achieving a tax structure with two single rates, with a progressive reduction in the rate based on the number of children, in such a way that a family with four children with income of less than 70,000 euros do not pay income tax in Spain”.

In addition, Vox includes in its measures the recovery of the “deduction in personal income tax for investment in habitual residence that has disappeared for years” and “the deduction of rental costs as well as expenses related to the home, the education of children, and in the hiring of health or support personnel for the care of the family, whether they are children or the elderly”.

The far-right party pleads for the reduction of Corporate Tax to 15%, “so that Spaniards are free” when it comes to creating companies, and for the abolition of the Wealth and Inheritance and Donations tax.

The Vox spokesman has claimed the need to “truly put the Administration at the service of the Spanish” and not allocate “a single euro to unnecessary expenses, political expenses, ideological expenses, or luxury expenses”, and also for “the recovery of the Statute and the Taxpayer Defense Council made up of independent experts”.

Along with this, the far-right leader believes that “Spanish entrepreneurship” must be defended by eliminating “those tax barriers and language barriers that suffocate our economy.”

For his part, Espinosa de los Monteros has ruled that “with Pedro Sánchez, Spain is the country that has grown the least in Europe, in which citizens have become more impoverished, and in which public spending has skyrocketed the most.” “Sánchez and his Minister of Economy have spent five years trying to sell what is undoubtedly the greatest economic failure as success,” he stated. But in his opinion, to fix the “disastrous” economic situation, it is not only necessary to “throw out Sánchez”, but what is really needed is to “restore sanity” and “a large dose of common sense”, two factors that he only believes that the Vox alternative can provide.

Espinosa has ignored the issue of pension reform, limiting himself to saying that the problem must be addressed “with creative measures”, because the system is unsustainable” and to guarantee payment to the elderly, the first thing to do is, according to Espinosa , “drastically reduce unproductive spending” of all State structures.

#Vox #proposes #radical #lowering #taxes #explaining #finance #public #services

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