War and murderous nihilism | Page|12

by time news

2023-10-15 17:57:09

The nihilism prophesied by Nietzsche and described in its final consequences by Heidegger, has been consummated under the neoliberal form of Capitalism. The true meaning of “God is dead” is not the disappearance of values ​​but rather their implementation at the service of the absolute identity between war and Capital. This fusion between war and capitalism is carried out to destroy everything that in Modernity aspired to the emancipation and peace of the people. There is not a single drop of blood that flows in the world today that contributes to any liberation. It is pure murder and death. The values ​​of modernity in favor of the end of exploitation have for now remained in a waiting period: there is a Chinese nihilism, an American one, a Russian one, an Israeli one and one of sacrificial Islamic terrorism. No one will do anything for the peace of the people and in any case, perhaps Latin America is the last space where the West can find a different version of the warlike nihilism that dominates the world if it does not give up control to far-right madness. Wars not only do not destroy the market but rather they rearrange and shape it in a new direction. Nihilism also implies that as thousands of human beings meet death a basic cynicism expands as a new personality structure.

It is outrageous to see representatives of the reactionary Catholic right, belonging to a strong anti-Semitic tradition, those who until yesterday supported the Argentine dictatorship and its cruelty against Jewish militants, or those who accompanied Franco’s famous “Jewish Masonic conspiracy” and are unaware all of the great Jewish people, to now pretend that it is they, precisely them, who love Israel. This basic cynicism is repeated by all the extreme right in the world.

The contempt and rejection that Hamas’s murderous terrorism arouses, its atrocious irresponsibility towards the true Palestinian cause, seems to be perfectly assembled with this other side of the coin. Islamic fundamentalism is also a form of pure nihilism, a version that humiliates religion by putting it at the service of the death drive. Terrorist nihilism of Hamas, Nihilism of the global extreme right. The truth and the right word are there waiting, to emerge again as something sacred and political at the same time, in the midst of this murderous roar that stuns.

#War #murderous #nihilism #Page12

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