War in Ukraine, no peace agreement is more reasonably possible

by time news

War in Ukraine, on the USA, NATO and Europe weighs the burden of having removed any possible peace

For how the story of the unfortunate war waged by Russia all’Ukraine was managed by USAfrom the NATO and fromEuropa itself, none pace lasting and credible now appears possible. And why is soon said.

The change of pace knowingly inflicted on the conflict by White Houseda Downing Streetby the President of the European Parliament and sealed by the unequivocal and dramatic words of the head of the Pentagon Lloyd Austin on the need to weaken – “weaken” – Moscow and its military army as much as possible in order to decree the urgency of a Ukrainian victory as asserted – with just as little prudence – by the American Secretary of State Antony Blinkenas well as throwing the planet into the nightmare of a possible third war worldhave made all the diplomatic efforts fielded by Ankara but also, at other levels, from Holy See.

The idea that Ukraine can or – as it seems to emerge from the words of some members of the Administration Biden– “must“Win the guerra has cornered an already reckless Ukrainian president who, now, can no longer afford to cede even an inch of Ukrainian territory to Russia on pain of infamy, political debacle if not “betrayal” of the trust of the Ukrainian people and of the whole Western.

The offer of heavy weapons and the demand to weaken the Russian army constitute the straitjacket that the West has sewn on the shoulders of the first Ukrainian citizen. The agreement (to put it mildly) sanctioned by USA con Kiev it appears tragically clear: we (the West) supply you with weapons but you will never be able to back down. Translated: no peace with Mosca.

For theUkraine from the pan of the invasion, to the embers of the guerra by proxy!

But there is more. This new state of affairs risks having another internationally very important face: the official entry into the field of the strategic will of the USA will allow Vladimir Putin you legitimately use the word “vittoria”For every inch of land conquered in Ukraine.

A legitimacy offered at no cost to the invader by a clumsy media-political management that has – in fact – dismissed every rational hypothesis of agreement (and therefore of peace) in Ukraine, is forcing the Ukrainians to sacrifice themselves – now yes – for the entire West and cemented – as had never happened before – the union between Russia, China (and maybe India) – in a scenario that exudes a very hot war.

* Daniele Marchetti

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