War in Ukraine: Romania discovers new drone debris near its border

by time news

2023-09-10 03:03:09

Drone debris found. This is what Romanian soldiers discovered around the village of Plauru, in the east of the country, near the Ukrainian border, according to the Romanian Defense Ministry. According to the ministry, these are drone debris “similar to those used by the Russian army”.

“Nothing indicates that there was an intention to strike NATO, but the attacks are destabilizing,” reacted the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg on the X network (formerly Twitter). He said he had spoken on this subject with the Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis.

NATO is “in solidarity” with Romania, one of the allied countries, and “I welcome the American decision to deploy more F-16 (fighters) as part of the protection and surveillance of airspace of NATO,” added Stoltenberg.

“Violation of our airspace”

On the side of Iohannis, the president affirmed: “I strongly condemn this violation of our sovereign airspace which constitutes a threat to Romanian citizens in the sector. »

It was the Romanian navy which carried out the search after drone debris had already been discovered in the week, a few kilometers away. “During the searches, debris from drones similar to those used by the Russian army were discovered,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement, adding that they would be appraised. The army will continue its search operations, said the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

No sign of Russian attack on NATO

On Thursday, Jens Stoltenberg estimated that there was no indication that the drone debris found in Romania was a sign of a deliberate Russian attack against this NATO and European Union member country.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, NATO has been working to prevent the war from spreading to its member countries. In accordance with Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty, any attack against one of the member countries is supposed to result in a collective response from the organization, which presents the risk of being drawn into a war against Russia, a nuclear power.

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