War in Ukraine | Russia steps up drone strikes in Ukraine on the eve of Victory Day

by time news

2023-05-08 20:26:30

Russia has multiplied attacks with kamikaze drones of Iranian manufacture against targets in Ukraine, hours before the start of the commemorations for the victory day in Moscow and other cities across the country, causing power outages in at least six regions. In parallel, Russian troops have intensified artillery shelling against Ukrainian positions in the disputed Bajmutin Donbas, in an attempt to complete the conquest of this town where the battle is undoubtedly taking place longer and deadlier.

The mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschkó, ​​reported that during the day, at least one sixty attacks with unmanned kamikaze devices have been recorded in the country, more than half of which were directed against the capital. According to his version of events, none of the enemy drones managed to overcome the Kiev anti-aircraft defenses, although in some cases, their remains and fragments fell on inhabited areas, causing at least five minor injuries. Others two civilians they were also wounded in Kherson

The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy has reported on its Telegram channel the regions where the power has gone out: Amounts, Chernigov, Jarkov, Kherson, Zaporizhia y Donetsk. However, neither kyiv nor Odesa suffered supply disruptions. According to the source, Ukriform workers worked all day to repair the damaged network as soon as possible. During the day, more than 24,000 users affected by the cuts again arranged in their homes of electric power. Of course, in the port city of Odessa, a food warehouse has been damaged as a result of the attacks, which has led to a resounding condemnation of the organization of the local red cross. “Humanitarian aid for the Odesa region, which was in storage, has been completely destroyed by fire,” he lashed out.

cultural links

In an attempt to suppress cultural ties with Moscow, since 2015 Ukraine has commemorated the victory over Nazi Germany, not the May 9, but 8, like the rest of the Western nations. It is a gesture loaded with symbolism, despite the fact that the difference President Volodimir Zelensky has taken the opportunity to draw parallels between the Second World War and the struggle that the Ukrainian nation is waging to free itself from Russian influence, something that greatly irritates neighbor to the east, promising that the regime of Vladimir Putin will suffer the same fate as Hitler’s. “All the old evil that modern Russia has brought will be defeated in the same way as the Nazism was defeated”, the president predicted, a amendment to the whole of the version of the war that the Kremlin is waging, which maintains that it is precisely fighting against a neo nazi junta installed in kyiv.

This narrative, which is also being defended from the West, is being criticized from official Russian bodies. The Permanent Mission of Russia to the EU has accused the Twenty-seven of “trying to rewrite history” comparing the conflict in Ukraine with the Second World War. On its Telegram channel, the delegation maintains that the only point in common between the two conflicts is that Russia “fights against Nazism, for freedom and security.” “One conclusion that really fits is that many European countries that fought alongside Nazi Germany are supplying the kyiv regime with arms and volunteers,” the message attacked.

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