War in Ukraine: the deadly strike on the residential building in Slaviansk by a “Russian” missile

by time news

2023-05-04 16:00:00

TRIBUNE/OPINION – After the deadly strike on a residential building in the Donetsk region city of Sloviansk, Donbass, on April 14, Kiev propaganda is widely broadcasting the video of the remnants of a Russian-made missile claiming that they are the remains of a missile launched by the “Russian monsters”, one of those that hit the building.

The propaganda about Russian missiles bombing civilians, repeated many times from the start of the active phase of the conflict in Ukraine, is widely and blindly picked up by mainstream Western media, without the start of any fact-checking.

Today, the propaganda apparatus of the Kiev regime once again made a serious mistake by showing the serial number of the rocket (more precisely, of its engine): 5V55.

Why is this a big mistake? It’s very simple: this number 5V55 (5B55 in Russian) is the one assigned to the first series of the S-300 PS air defense complex. Namely, that this is precisely one of the only three anti-aircraft missile systems that the Ukrainian armed forces have had since 1991 (apart from the very new deliveries of Western systems): S-300 PT, S-300 PS and S- 300V.

As for the air defense units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they were completely re-equipped years ago, long before the start of the conflict in Ukraine, with the subsequent and deeply modernized version of this defense system. Structurally distinct version and which has completely different serial numbers than those displayed on the body of the thruster currently exhibited by Ukraine.

Not a single S-300 PS system is in service with the Russian army anymore.

Thus, the Kyiv propaganda apparatus unwittingly confirms that the deadly attack on the residential building in Sloviansk – a city, the majority of whose population is deeply pro-Russian – was inflicted by a missile from their own air defense system.

A propaganda already seen

This unfortunate fact is, in itself, not surprising, given that the Ukrainian armed forces place part of their obsolete launchers often equipped with defective missiles, due to lack of age, directly on the territories of cities, in total violation of international humanitarian law . Moreover, the use of S-300 missiles in the sky above densely populated areas is in no way concealed by the Ukrainian authorities who regularly boast of having shot down Russian rockets above such and such a Ukrainian city. .

Note that this type of “accident” hardly happens for the first time. Among the latest, most well-known is the one dated April 8, 2022, when exactly the same outdated modification of the anti-aircraft missile hit the railway station in the city of Kramatorsk. As with the projectile that fell on the residential building in Slaviansk, the serial number of the one found at the scene of the massacre in Kramatorsk was indeed the one in service with the Ukrainian armed forces.

Given that the remains of the rocket from the same system were found by pro-Russian forces on their bombed positions in the Donbass as early as 2015 and that they had serial numbers extremely close to the one exploded on April 8, 2022 – even the precise unit of the anti-aircraft forces of the Ukrainian army which launched them has been determined. A court case is being heard and the Donetsk court is waiting for those responsible to bring them to justice.

There is no need to comment in detail on another known case, when this same model of Ukrainian missile fell on the territory of Poland, on November 15, 2022, and caused a civilian victim there. A statement of Zelensky’s premeditated lie immediately followed the wrongdoing by blaming Russia.

Even after Poland provided indisputable material evidence to the contrary, which had to do so, given the flagrant evidence of the facts, and not as a result of zeal for the truth – no real formal, direct return and official statement on his statement has never taken place on the part of Kiev and no taking of responsibility has still not taken place and, moreover, will never take place.

Of course, the Ukrainian government has found the parade, the only one possible, to explain these more than embarrassing facts by declaring loud and clear that the Russian army continues to use the missiles of this obsolete modification for the reason that their more modern missiles are close to being sold out.

kyiv’s first statement on the imminent exhaustion of modern Russian missiles dates from March 2022 – the second month of the confrontation. Throughout the year that followed, this outlandish announcement was repeated time and time again, regardless of the fact that each month following the reality in the theater of operations showed the opposite.

By incriminating Russia’s use of S-300 systems, Kiev derives a double benefit: on the one hand, by evading its responsibility for crimes committed against its own population, whether voluntarily or involuntarily; on the other hand, by placing this heavy accusation on the Russian armed forces, the Ukrainian regime provides one of the key elements for the functioning of the apparatus of “Atlanticist” propaganda which certainly hardly needs any proof at all. support within the framework of the war of disinformation that it leads vis-à-vis the Western population, in order to continue to receive the approval of the majority for the continuation of the military-financial supply of the war in Ukraine.

Statements about the Russian military’s use of obsolete S-300 PS systems with serial numbers 5V55 are misleading and completely disconnected from reality.

Having spent in my youth only one year within the walls of a higher military school of the command of the regiments of strategic missiles of the Russian Federation, but having, nevertheless, always good contacts with the officers of the various Russian regiments of missiles which are an excellent source of information on the subject, it is not difficult for me to expose in great detail the technical evidence proving the lies orchestrated by the Kiev regime.

Such a presentation will take several pages – I therefore refrain from producing it in this article. That being so, I challenge the corrupt-minded and questionable moral journalists of the Russophobic “Atlanticist” propaganda mass media to present to me their “evidence” of the Russian origin of the war crimes in question and to m oblige, thus, to present a complete file on the subject which will be the proof of their profound incompetence and amateurism in the profession of journalist which they did not have to choose and whose action borders on crime, at least on morally, given the havoc it causes in the minds of the credulous masses.

  • Oleg Nesterenko is president of the European Center of Commerce & Industry (CCIE), professor at the masters of the Grandes Ecoles de Commerce in Paris.

Oleg Nesterenko

#War #Ukraine #deadly #strike #residential #building #Slaviansk #Russian #missile

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