Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman?

by time news

2023-11-21 19:25:03

Lee Harvey Oswald speaks to reporters at the Dallas police station. Image: dpa

He came from a difficult background, had mental problems, had failed professionally, and his marriage was falling apart: In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald shot American President John F. Kennedy.

On the morning of November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, package in hand, walked over to his co-worker Buell Wesley Frazier, who lived just a few doors away. “I offered him another coffee, but he said no and sat in my car,” Frazier remembers that morning 60 years ago. They drove to work together, Oswald talked about his children and the weather, but was taciturn as always. The oblong package only contained curtain rods for his room.

They hadn’t known each other long. “Lee,” as everyone called him, had only started working at the school book warehouse on Elm Street in Dallas in October. Until the summer, Oswald had led an unsettled life. He was born on October 18, 1939 in New Orleans. His father died before birth, and his mother placed her three sons in an orphanage from late 1941 to early 1944. She married again in 1945 and was divorced in 1948. During his youth, the family moved around 20 times. Lee frequently skipped school and was diagnosed with a personality disorder with schizoid aspects and passive-aggressive tendencies during a psychiatric examination in 1953.

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