Watch the Galaxy S23 conference and the date of the conference in Saudi Arabia and Egypt

by time news

Samsung officially evaluates tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1, the Galaxy S23 or UnPacked 2023 conference, which is the conference during which it plans to unveil the new flagship Galaxy S23 series of phones, which this year includes three new smartphones that include the Galaxy S23 and S23 Plus, in addition to Galaxy S23 Ultra, which replaces the Galaxy Note series that the company abandoned, and is considered the most powerful phone of the new generation of Galaxy S.

What is the date of the Galaxy S23 conference from Samsung?

The Samsung UnPacked 2023 conference will be held to unveil the Galaxy S23 series tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1, in San Francisco, California, USA, in a return to conferences that include the presence of media professionals and influencers instead of broadcasting the conference only via the Internet.

The Samsung Galaxy S23 conference begins at 9:00 pm Saudi time, or 8:00 pm Egyptian time.

How do you watch the Samsung conference to unveil the Galaxy S23?

As Samasung used to, those interested can watch the live broadcast of the UnPacked 2023 conference to unveil the Galaxy S23 series for free, through the company’s official website, or via Samsung’s official YouTube channel.

There was not much left for Samsung to reveal during the conference, as official images and specifications of the three smartphones in the Galaxy S23 series appeared, including Galaxy S23 Ultrawhich will provide the user with a 200-megapixel main camera along with three other cameras, and the three phones in the new generation of the Galaxy S series are powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor in most markets around the world.

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