“We are moving to a one-party system.” The leaders of the opposition parties told what will happen to them in the new conditions

by time news

2023-06-05 13:31:34

Four political parties officially registered in Belarus do not agree with the terms of re-registration. On this occasion, the UHP, the BNF Party, the BSDP “Hromada” and “Greens” convened a press conference in Vilnius.

Six opposition leaders are behind bars

The event was led by the former chairman of the UGP Anatoly Lyabedzka, who called the current process “clearing the space of political parties.” Lyabedzka noted that he considers the fact that the parties did not make separate statements, but a common position, to be particularly important.

Lyabedzka also noted that six leaders of political parties, both registered and unregistered, are still behind bars in Belarus. We are talking about Nikolay Kozlov (UGP), Ryhora Kastusev (BPF Party), Nikolay Statkevich (organizing committee of the BSDP party “Narodnaya Gramada”), Pavlo Severinets (organizing committee of BCD), Andrei Dmitriev (organizing committee of “Our Party”) and Viktor Babarika (the organizing committee of the “Together” party).

The Acting Chairman of the BNF Party said that the authorities are sending a clear message that they want to make the political situation in the country “sterile”. According to the opinion Saranchukova, the government violated a number of clauses of the Constitution of Belarus. In particular, according to the politician, points 5 (Political parties, other public associations, acting within the framework of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Belarus, contribute to the implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of people and citizens), point 36 (Everyone has the right to freedom of association) and paragraph 37 (Citizens of the Republic of Belarus have the right to participate in the decision-making of state affairs both directly and through freely chosen representatives).

“Only “pocket” parties will remain, which will support Lukashenka in everything. Belarus is actually moving to a one-party system. Thirty years ago, we saw how it ended for the government. Let’s go ahead, at least it will end sooner,” said the Acting Chairman of the UGP emotionally Vladimir Shantsev.

On June 5, Shantsev celebrated his 72nd birthday. He emigrated to Vilnius relatively recently. He says that he was prompted to take this step by the interest of the special services in the activities of the AHP.

According to Shantsav, re-registration is simply impossible in today’s conditions. According to the new rules, now the party should have five thousand members instead of one thousand.

“We will not impersonate people by submitting lists, although it is clear from the events of 2020 that many people would be ready to join the work,” says the UHP representative.

“It will radicalize citizens even more”

Chairman of BSDP “Hramada” Igor Borisov believes that speeding up party re-registration is necessary for local and parliamentary elections to be held in February 2024.

“The authorities do not want to feel stress on the eve of those elections. The current law can be called draconian: it is aimed at clearing the entire political field. One may wonder why this did not happen earlier. In my opinion, because the purposeful introduction of sanctions has stopped. Previously, trade unions, NGOs, and journalists were dealt with. And when the sanctions stopped, we hung in the air. This will not stop the mood that prevails in society after 2020. This will radicalize citizens even more, because they will not have a legal opportunity to participate in the elections,” Barysau believes.

Head of the Green Party Dmitry Kuchuk continues to be in Belarus. He believes that the liquidation of political parties will not relieve tension in society. “Greens” submitted documents for re-registration, but did not submit lists of their friends to the Ministry of Justice. The same was done by representatives of BSDP “Hramada”. The BPF and UHP did not submit documents to the ministry at all.

Vadym Saranchukou says at the same time that there is no question of self-liquidation of the party. “People’s personal data will not be transferred anywhere. The work does not stop, we are not going underground yet,” says Saranchukov.

Vladimir Shantsev supports his colleague in the fact that the AHP will not disappear anywhere.

“The forms of work will change a little, we cannot openly say how, but we will continue to work,” the politician is sure.

It is also known that the documents for re-registration, but without a list of members, were submitted by representatives of the Belarusian leftist party “Just World”.

None of the participants of the press conference has hope that his party will be able to pass the stage of re-registration.

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