“We do not have all the time in the world”: the European message with the resumption of nuclear talks

by time news

Talks over the nuclear agreement between Arian and the superpowers officially resumed today (Thursday) in Vienna, Austria, with the meeting of all parties to the agreement, which does not include the United States. The incident was reported on Twitter by Russia’s special envoy Mikhail Ulyanov. “Participants are now holding an official meeting of the joint committee,” he tweeted.

The talks are an indirect negotiation between Tehran and Washington, though senior U.S. envoy Rob Mali will not reach them until next weekend. The EU envoy for nuclear talks, Enrique More, said he felt there was a goal between the powers to reach a renewed agreement with Iran.

In addition, he warned against spreading the talks without reaching an agreement in the foreseeable future. “We do not have all the time in the world,” he said. He added: “Time passes, and the sense of urgency is even greater.” Iran’s senior negotiator said the fact that the parties are in talks shows that they want to close the gaps between them. He further said that Iran stressed that in these negotiations it is continuing its existing position that was in the previous agreement.

Nuclear talks headquarters with Iran in Vienna (Photo: Reuters)
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Prior to the resumption of talks, representatives of Western countries expressed pessimism in the face of the delay in negotiations. The French foreign minister said: “Things do not look encouraging at the moment. “The impression is that the Iranians want to prolong the talks.”

“This is really the last chance for Iran to sign, and I urge them to do so because we are determined to work with our partners to ensure that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons,” she said at a conference at the Research Institute. ‘Atham House.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said he does not have high hopes for the satisfactory results of the talks. “We continue to believe that returning to fulfillment of the obligations in the agreement is the best way forward, but it is not an eternal horizon,” he said. “Because we will not allow Iran to grind water in talks and not move forward with serious or meaningful proposals to solve the difficult problems – and at the same time move forward with the nuclear program.”

At the same time, the US Treasury Department has imposed new sanctions on Iranian figures. These are sanctions against 15 people and four Iranian bodies operating in Iran, Syria and Uganda. The sanctions also target, among others, Golmarza Suleimani, the head of the Revolutionary Guards’ brutal militia, Basij.


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